At Unspecific Beauty, owner, and licensed esthetician Destiny, strives to provide every client a quality experience for every beauty enhancement service offered: brows, lashes, facials. We also aim to create a luxurious atmosphere to build a positive relationship with skin wellness with each client.

Black woman-owned Beauty, Skin Wellness and Brow services serving the DMV area


Licensed Esthetician and 5x Certified Brow Artist Destiny Kidd-Gilchrist created Unspecific Beauty in 2022 to provide others with a quality beauty service that caters to each client. Destiny specializes in brow and lash artistry and always enjoys getting to know every client, and wants nothing more than to help you achieve the beauty goals you have.

Meet the Artist

Joanna, Brow Lamination & Shape

I went to Unspecific Beauty to see Destiny for my first brow lamination and I’m obsessed!

The space was extremely clean and the whole experience was relaxing. I loved that she explained each step so I knew what was going on and how to maintain my brows so that the results last. She was very knowledgeable on what to do to make my brows look their very best, while also not doing too much and making sure they still complimented my face. 10 out of 10 recommend!

Liliana, The UB Brow

Destiny did a quick consultation and showed me step-by-step exactly what she would be best fit for me.

Since the pandemic, I have not tamed my brows at all so I was both nervous and excited to get them done. We decided lamination, tint, and a quick wax clean up was best, and the results were amazing! Destiny even showed me how to maintain my brows for a longer lasting look.
Definitely coming back!

Brianna, Lamination & Shape

I LOVED my experience. Destiny took my super thin, barely there brows and made them look so fluffy and beautiful. 
Brittany, Brow Tint & Shape

Destiny has gained a lifetime client 1000/10 recommendation!

Destiny did a phenomenal job on my brows! I was nervous at first being that it mu was my first time getting my brows tinted, but she made me feel comfortable and walked me through what she was doing! Overall my experience was top tier and I love my brows! 

Tajma, Classic Lash Set

The end result was EXACTLY what I wanted!

I went to Destiny to get serviced for my lashes. she was very gentle, made sure I was comfortable throughout my entire service, and her energy was amazing. Therefore it was worth the wait! can’t wait to come back for my refill.